Millie and the Warm Wind

Millie and the Warm Wind


When Millie starts to believe that she doesn't matter, she sets out on a whimsical journey and discovers her true value.

A children’s book about combatting negative self talk, trading lies for truth, and discovering inherent worth.


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“Every teacher needs this book in their classroom to speak life and truth to their students in a kid-friendly and winsome way! Every therapist needs this in their office because it is cognitive behavioral therapy illustrated in whimsical story form! And every parent needs this book in their home because when we inevitably make mistakes, it will help us get both our child (and us) back on the path of health and wholeness. Thank you for this beautiful story!”

I only wish I could have known Millie when I was a little girl! We so often believe the lies we hear about ourselves, and as children, we take everything to heart. How extraordinary would it be for a generation to learn—like Millie did—that they are not defined by their fears or insecurities, but they are intrinsically valuable and worthy! Thanks to Millie, every child will know that. This book is a must-read for every parent who wants their children to understand that, no matter what they do, or what they believe about themselves, that they are precious and perfect—just the way they are.

“I was so moved by this story! Oh, how we all long to hear affirmation from those who love us! This story will teach you (and of course your children) to tune out negative thoughts and push through towards finding the truth already nestled in all of us.”

I only learned in adulthood how what we tell ourselves about ourselves can be vastly different than reality. This book is such a blessing for our children to realize the importance of positive self-talk, processing feelings, and most importantly, listening to what the Father says about who we are. I can’t recommend it enough!