The Truth Journey


I hope you enjoy reading Millie’s story - but my bigger hope is for you to know that her story can be your story too. We all hear the same type of negative self-identity lies that Millie heard, and it’s easy to believe those lies. BUT - we can choose, like Millie, to release those lies and believe truth. I’d love to guide you and your family on your own journeys of releasing lies, hearing truth, and believing that truth.

Here are some fun & simple ways to begin your own truth discovery journey:

Identify negative emotions. Anger, sadness, guilt, embarrassment, shame, fear // these signify to us that something is “off” - that we aren’t experiencing perfect peace, that we may be believing a lie about ourself. Identifying negative emotions is the first step in experiencing true peace.

Play a game with your children that will help them be able to name negative emotions - take turns making facial expressions that represent an emotion and guess one another’s emotion. 

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Release lies. Like Millie, we all hear lies. We might hear them from another person or in our own thoughts, but it happens all the time! The important part is not to try to never think or hear these lies, but to release them and send them away when we do hear them. When your child experiences a negative emotion, help them identify a lie they are believing to make them feel that emotion. “Release” the lie in a fun way - you can shout it into the sky, whisper it into a balloon like Millie, or write it down on a piece of paper… get creative!


Listen for truth. The Warm Wind spoke Millie’s truth to her, and we can receive truth too - those truths are all around us: sometimes they are from our own knowledge, or sometimes they are shared to us from our friends, parents, or even from God through prayer. If you are a spiritual family, prayer or meditation is an amazing way to focus on identity truth.

Share truth. Our family loves this simple little bedtime activity of giving each other “truth blessings.” Have one person hold out their hand while another family member pretends to put the blessing in their hand while saying it out loud. For example: “You are brave and kind.” They they close their hand around their blessing, pull it close to their heart and place it in their heart while repeating it out loud: “I am brave and kind!” Take turns until everyone has received their blessing. This is a great way for kids to store up truths in their own minds for when they need to exchange them with lies!


If you want to dive deeper into these concepts, look more closely at what the Bible teaches, and experience even more family-fun activities, then consider buying the companion devotional to Millie and the Warm Wind. The Truth Journey: a Family Devotional is a nine-session devotional that will take you on a fun journey of hearing God’s voice, identifying lies in your life, trading lies for truth, and ultimately living out your true identity.